Wednesday 15 April 2009


This beautiful construction is a Blackbird's nest. Yesterday it contained some eggs, and was carefully hidden in a pile of wood and sticks. This morning I found it, partly pulled from it's hiding place, with the eggs broken ( and eaten) and strewn on the ground. Probably Magpies, possibly one of the two Foxes I saw earlier.
Luckily, we have lots of cover in the garden. It is possible this pair may try to nest again.


Heather said...

This is the second broken nest I've heard of today. The other from my Grandfather's garden. A windstorm broke his bluebird box and the fallen nest contained three eggs. The eggs were undamaged so he replaced the box and nest. Hopefully the birds will return.

Jacqui said...

That's such a shame, the nest is so beautiful.

LinDragon said...

Fingers crossed, Heather.

Rowan said...

How sad for the blackbirds - it's part of Nature though, the blackbirds' loss was the means of life for either fox or magpies - most likely a fox if it was somewhere low down. At least there's plenty of time for the blackbirds to start again.