Friday 31 October 2008


I opened the Kitchen blind on Sunday, to find a very wet and bedraggled little bird eyeing me from the garden wall. A red-legged Partridge (Frenchman). It does seem to be a spot that draws sheltering birds. Somewhere, I have a picture of a Sparrowhawk, taken by Best Beloved. The Sparrowhawk was sitting on the white Fig, about eighteen inches to the right (of where the Partridge is sitting).
Today is Halloween. Samhain. The end of the Pagan year. New Years Eve, if you like. A good time to reflect on the years' events. Evaluate one's responses. Thank the Deity of choice for any blessings, and plan to make life.......better? kinder?more fulfilling? For my part, all of those things. Enjoy this last Fire-Festival of the present year and stay safe.
Bright blessings in the dark and cold.

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