Tuesday 18 March 2014

Spring in a flash

 A few warm days, and spring has surged into the garden. The Primroses have burst into exuberant bloom. The Daffodils have gone from a few inches high, to full height and full bloom. Some have already gone over.
 At the week-end, we noticed a huge increase in the number of people using the footpath. On Sunday evening, I was closing the front gate, when yet another walker came through. According to this lady, we have become a seasonal visit. Word goes around the village that the daffodils are out, and folk troop down to see them. Well, a compliment of sorts.
 The very last of the 'forced' bulbs . I cut them, and displayed them in the same manner as the white. The perfume of the blue ones seems even stronger than that of the white.
 Almost time for the pots of Tulips to go out on the terrace.

The Mystery Kal continues. I am part way through clue 4. Three more to come.

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