..but it will be ready for her birthday.
Thursday, 31 December 2009
The one that got away...
..but it will be ready for her birthday.
Wednesday, 23 December 2009
Seasonal things
I had promised Christina some squares for a blanket. This first one, Green Trees, was from a pattern that she had.
Sunday, 6 December 2009
Sunday, 22 November 2009
It is Pear and Maple Syrup cake. The idea is that you caremelise the pears, making a fair amount of sauce, and add it to the cake mixture.
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
Knitting Quest
The dear little buttons are from Fine Fabrics in Taunton- Couldn't resist 'em!
From time to time, various swaps take place at Close Knit,(the group I belong to). The result of one of these swaps, found a bag of magenta Mohair d.k. yarn, clutched in my hot and sweaty hand. So, at the moment, I am trying to work out a pattern for a v-neck sweater, with no ribbing. It is a very bright colour for me! Should go well with emerald green cords(!!)
Monday, 2 November 2009
Oh, some Deer.
Sunday, 1 November 2009
Winter now...
Saturday, 31 October 2009
Happy New Year!
Friday, 30 October 2009
Nigel Slater is one of my favourite cookery writers, alongside Elizabeth David, and Madhur Jaffrey. These Hazelnut Biscuits are his recipe, and they have been a real hit. They have become an instant favourite here at ''Dragons' Wood''.
Another of Nigel's new recipes, is his Mushroom Pasties. I did add a small amount of dried ceps (reconstituted )to the mushroom mix, but that is just me fiddling. They were quick and easy to make, no difficult ingredients, and disappeared off the plates in the clattering of a spoon, (or the squeezing of a lemon, to quote Mrs David), so I'm afraid there are no pictures.
These recipes are from the Observer magazine.
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
A bit of 'Magic'
Thursday, 1 October 2009
Surprise Harvest!
I also thought I would pick any Damsons I could find, on our rather scrawny tree. As you see, I picked a few. I will have to pick again over the week-end, as there are lots hiding , tucked up tight under the leaves.
At the same time, I had a look at a self-sown curcurbit plant in the corner of the vegetable garden... And found lots of these little Squashes! I picked those which are of a useable size, and have left twice as many on the plant.
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
My sister, Nicky, has a very prolific Damson tree. We have had lots of crumbles, and the freezer has lots of little bags of damson pulp sitting in its' frozen depths, ready for winter puddings. These particular apples are Grenadier, an early cooker.
On a happier note, several of the younger women at work are due to have babies before long. so, goody, a chance for some baby knitting. I have started a Louisa Harding kimono for a little girl, and have my eye on a stripy Debbie Bliss for a little boy, with maybe a random blanket for the unknown third. Oh, the joys of the possibilities!
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Honey Harvest
The lovely rusty brown alpaca is from Alandale Alpacas. Two 25 gram skeins of hand spun, from an alpaca called Fiona.
These gorgeous Vintage buttons were on the Wheeldale Woolcrafts stand. I don't think I would have seen them, if I had been there when it was busy.
Quite a busy couple of weekends. Now we are preparing the bees for Winter. The supers are clean, and we have put feeders on all of the hives. Now feeding comences. We have to make sure they have sufficient stores to last the winter.
And at last it is cool enough to knit! I have a sleeveless pullover that I have been working on, which is a 'thank-you ' present from the knitting group I belong to, 'Close Knit', to Karen, who taught us Knitters Yoga. Just a few inches left, and then the making up. It has a fancy cable neck border. I am looking forward to seeing it finished.
Monday, 10 August 2009
Sunny week-end
I seem to be taking forever to make a simple vest/tank for a friend, but managed nearly six inches of stocking stitch, while chatting with my knitting family.
Saturday, 1 August 2009
Purple patch
Sunday, 12 July 2009
Sweet Peas
Wednesday, 8 July 2009
I'm Back!
A summer posy, from my garden. Roses (mixed), stocks, lavender.