The dear little buttons are from Fine Fabrics in Taunton- Couldn't resist 'em!
From time to time, various swaps take place at Close Knit,(the group I belong to). The result of one of these swaps, found a bag of magenta Mohair d.k. yarn, clutched in my hot and sweaty hand. So, at the moment, I am trying to work out a pattern for a v-neck sweater, with no ribbing. It is a very bright colour for me! Should go well with emerald green cords(!!)
From time to time, various swaps take place at Close Knit,(the group I belong to). The result of one of these swaps, found a bag of magenta Mohair d.k. yarn, clutched in my hot and sweaty hand. So, at the moment, I am trying to work out a pattern for a v-neck sweater, with no ribbing. It is a very bright colour for me! Should go well with emerald green cords(!!)
Some months ago, Dave at Hayes Wools showed me a magazine that I had not come across before, called Verena. I tried all sorts of places to track it down, to no avail. I spoke to Geoff, of Sue's News in Taunton, setting him off (inadvertently) on a Quest. Three months later, he has spoken to every magazine wholesaler in England, written to Germany, France and the U.S.A., and been let down twice. He has left me updates on my phone every couple of weeks, and has been incredibly helpful. AND ....this morning, a copy of Verena was left in my post box! I am really impressed. So, if you live in the Taunton area, Sue's News in Crown Walk has another copy of Verena on the shelves, and we may be looking for Interweave Knits next!
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