Saturday, 21 September 2013

Preparing for Spring

 I do love bulbs....whether in clumps under shrubs, in drifts in grass, or in pots. The bulbs in these pictures are just the beginning of this Autumn's selection. 'Thalia' narcissus in pots (above) are wonderful by the back door. Species tulips, three or four inches high (again, in pots) in a sunny spot in the courtyard. Species crocus tucked under the shelter of the clematis in the courtyard.
The blue forcing Hyacinths are already in trays. I am waiting for the white ones. My own favourite indoor bulbs are the paperwhite narcissus....the first of the bulbs to be planted.                               

And an ambition partly achieved... I have always desired a patch of Belladonna Lilies. Yesterday, two were planted at the back of a new, sunny border. Another will join them shortly. Their tall, elegant, multi-flowered pink heads will add height to the bed.

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