' Peerie Flooers ', pattern by Kate Davies (needled ). A straight-forward Fair Isle pattern, the yarn is Jamiesons' Spindrift. The colours as close to the originals ( in Rowan Fine Tweed) as I could get. I had forgotten how much I enjoy knitting in fair isle. I wonder if Jamiesons will have a stand at Wonderwool Wales? A group of us, from 'Close Knit', will be going.
The girls were decidedly unimpressed with my knitting......it takes away from Walking time!
They seem, suddenly, to have grown up. Spaniels become adults at about three years old, so Barley and Quince have a while to go yet...they are about twenty months old.
I have spoken about the Otters on our stream, from time to time. There has always been a coming and going, on a monthly basis, since we arrived here. After last February, we had no sign of any visits. Then, over Christmas, Quince got very excited, and rushed up and down the bank, finally falling in and getting very wet. Next morning, I found two very distinct spraints ( poo markings) on the sprainting rock. Since then, we have had evidence of visits, about every three days. Hurrah!!
Another sort of visitor stayed for a long weekend recently. So I tried out an Italian Lemon Tart recipe, kindly given to me by Isabelle. Sweet, buttery pastry, filled with a rich, but quite sharp, lemon custard. Divine! Deb and J. were happy to have second helpings, as was Best Beloved.
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