Four a week
This time last year, it was -7 degrees C. We had quite a lot of snow, and if any plants were trying to flower, we certainly could not see them. The min/max thermometer by the back door is presently showing 11 degrees C. The snowdrops in the garden are almost ready to flower ( last year, they were blooming for Imbolc/Candlemas, 1st of February). The hellebores are in full swing, the winter flowering ( shrubby) honeysuckle has been flowering for weeks, as have the native cyclamen.
There are some plants flowering that I would not expect, though. Like this summer snowflake (Leucojum). End of April, beginning of May is it's usual slot. Several roses have continued to bloom since last May...Madam Alfred Carriere, Pompon des Prince, Eglantyne, Glorie de Dijon.
I picked this tiny posy earlier today.(follow the pyramid up, from extreme left), Viburnum tinus,( flowers when it feels like it), feverfew(summer herb), semi-evergreen honeysuckle (Summer climber), scabious (summer ),Rosemary (summer flowering herb), Vibernum odora ( november flowering shrub), Viburnum plicatum (june/july flowering shrub),heartsease, (summer herb).But the primroses are still tightly furled rosettes, and the daffodil spears are only a couple of inches tall. Which of them is right?There are two lots of knitting on the go at the moment. A pair of 'Swirling Gauntlets', pattern by Sussanna Ic, and a simple shawl. Pictures and details next time.
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