Hence my silence. I still weep for Poppy, when thinking about her. As now.
Best Beloved retired at the end of July. Although planned, it came as a shock to routine. Mine. We are still trying to work out a new daily routine. It is complicated by B.B. starting a consultancy, which is already busy. Some days are laid back, others are......not.
There is always knitting! I have completed quite a number of things.....
Above is a 'Litttle Shells Shawl'. Made in a lovely Angora yarn, from Snowdon Angoras. The pattern is by Holly Griffin-Weidner.
The yarn is discontinued. I had nearly thirty balls of Kaffe Fassett's Kid Silk Mohair (25gm) in my stash. It had been there for at least twelve years. This took eight balls. It is really wonderful yarn, soft, luxurious. But, goodness me, it splits!! I am pleased with the final result, though.
More pics soon....I have to sort them out first.
Love the gold shawl - wonderful job. :)
Thank you, for your knind comment 'no one'
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