Babur came into our lives as a much desired gift, from me to Best Beloved. From the beginning, he was the apple of B.B.'s eye, and knew it. When ever B.B. stopped, to read, watch Television, make a phone call, or just sit and stare, Babur was on his knee. A huge character in the slim, lithe body of an Abyssinian cat, he was always ready for a walk. And he could always be enticed in for food.

Over the last month, he had not been himself. On the 28th May, after two days of rapidly deteriorating health, he released the gossamer thread holding his spirit to his body.He was fourteen years old.

He leaves a huge hole in our family life. Poppy was aware of his departure, and has been very quiet.
We are childless, but not from choice. Everyone needs someone to love, look after, cherish. So we filled the void with four-legged dependants.

Now there is one less.
I've only just seen this post - I'm so sorry to hear of Babur's passing, I've loved and lost many four legged friends both feline and canine and it is always devastating when they pass ito the Summerlands.
Thank you, Rowan, for your kind words. It's the small things that catch me out.Thinking that I hear him calling to come in the back door, or see a shadow slip under the table. I'll get used to it....we all have to, eventually.
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