Wool Lust
I had to go food shopping on Saturday,so on the way to Tiverton, we made a little (?) detour, and went to Coldharbour Mill. Well, they've moved the shop around again. The lovely Coldharbour spun wool, still there. The squishy Alpaca, still there. All the hand-made things. Yes, still there. And so many additions! Lots of books. At least three times as many as before. All crafts covered. Oh, but you should see the new yarns....... Silks, thin, thick, nubbly. Hand-spun Alpaca, Alpaca and Blue Faced Leicester. And lots else, besides.
Well, I admired and stroked them all. What did I buy? A 50g skein of Laceweight Alpaca/Blue Faced Leicester. I'm now struggling NOT to start a lace scarf.While I was there ,I noticed a poster advertisingCOLDHARBOUR MILLOPEN DAY and SUMMER ART SHOWSATURDAY 19 JULY 11 -4 FREECRAFT DEMOS and HAVE-A-GOSPINNING, WEAVING, FELTINGALPACAS IN ATTENDANCESounds good, does it not?
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