Tuesday, 25 March 2008

No Gardening

The earliest Easter since 1913 was also the coldest and windiest I can remember. The ground was too wet to work after last weeks' storms - so no gardening. Happily, the weather has not stopped the wild flowers from getting on with growing.
Over croissants and hot chocolate on Easter sunday,I gave Best Beloved two dvd's. One called simply 'Microcosm'; the other , David Attenborough's 'Life in cold blood'. In return, I received 'The Gentle Art of Domesticity' by Jane Brocket [yarnstorm]. Well, what a lovely book. What inspiration! What photos!! So I went and made Lemon cake, then did some knitting.
On the needles at the moment? A waistcoat for my youngest sister, Nicky. In my mind, designs for a jacket for an imminent arrival, and a sweater for myself, in a vivid deep cerise mohair.


steenie320 said...

Linda does Britney...teehee!

Well done Linda, lovely, lovely, and gorgeous picture too!

Ness said...

How fantastic this is!

I love that you responded to receiving a beautiful book by making a lemon cake! Of course you did!!

I look forward to reading future updates about the garden, bees, baking and knitting!
