The garden was a joyful place, yesterday. I managed to get out and do some work - digging! - for the first time since last September. The Dahlias were lifted, and I removed as much soil from the tubers as I could, without damaging them. They were all put into trays, upside down, and labelled. They are now reclining in the garage, away from danger of heavy frost. I dug over some of the bed the Dahlias had been in, weeding as I went. It is now ready for the spring.
Having done that, I joined Best Beloved in the Veg garden. He was tidying up the Strawberry bed. So, I went through the brassica bed, cutting the last of the red cabbages, and pulling up the dead stems. Some of the red cabbages had been badly frosted, so were rotting, and they went into the compost. The colours and patterns in the red cabbages always beguile me. Such beauty in the neat patterns of the folds in the leaves.
Also delicious cooked slowly with onion, apple, a pinch of sugar, a grind of nutmeg and a good splash of wine!