Monday, 31 March 2014

Unfinished business

It feels like the right time to be tidying up loose ends, and finishing projects that have been hanging about. (.....rather too long! )
 I started designing and swatching this Fair Isle-style sweater in September 2012. Over the last week , I have nearly completed the sleeves, and am calculating the yoke join. I hope to have completed it by Wonderwool Wales.

 This Rowan sweater has been knitted, unravelled and re-knitted , left in a bag for months, unravelled and started again, a number of times since early last September. The body is now complete, the neck cable is ready to be sewn on, and then I can pick up around the armholes for sleeves. I am not forecasting a date for completion, though.
 My Holly Go Lightly scarf is available as a free download, from my Ravelry store. I must try to work out how I can make it a free pattern download from here.
 I wrote this Intuition Cowl pattern for Yarnwise magazine, in which it was published last spring. I am trying to link it to my profile and Ravelry store, so that I can make it generally available. Possibly from here, too.
 This Love and Kisses Fair Isle-style cowl is to be published in the Autumn, in conjunction with Juno Fibre Arts.
I am also working with Alchemoonist, of fivemoons yarns, on another Dragonesque neckpiece.  ( No pictures yet, I am at the sketch and swatch stage).

                                                  '' Can you fit in a nice walk? ''    

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Road Trip

This week-end, John Arbon is having an Open Day cum Spring Clean sale at his new Mill. Well, that has caused great excitement at Knit Club. A number of members are a little ( ! ) disappointed, as they are already commited to other things. Nevertheless, a scurry happened while several of us have organised ourselves into which day, who is driving, and who is travelling with whom. A good excuse, too, to catch up with John and Juliet, and others of the Fibre and Yarn community.
I don't know if this is the best idea, since we are so close to Wonderwool Wales... there is bound to be a little  -ahem- spending  involved! I will have to exercise a little restraint.

Saturday, 22 March 2014

Stash enhancement

Last weekend, an exciting event.... Winghams Wool Works  were visiting Somerset Guild of Spinners, Weavers and Dyers. Winghams  visit clubs and Guilds around the country, holding 'taster' sessions, where one pays an entry fee, then may spin a (small) sample of any of the fibres there. Many of the members and visitors go home, happily clutching fresh additions to their yarn stash. Refreshments, in the form of Tea and cake, are always available.

It has occurred to me that I frequently discuss my knitting, the garden, cooking. Very rarely do I mention spinning... I must do better!
So, to that end.....Above, is part of my Winghams haul. These are all plain dyed Merino tops. The choice of colours is bewildering. Luckily, I had a list of colours I was looking for.  ( The colours are not accurate. The top left is a lovely deepish khaki, top right is a really good mustard, bottom left is an excellent bright rust, middle is  mid moss, bottom right is a good brown, not as red as it looks).
 Some very soft Shetland tops, White, and Moorit.  I hope to use these for this years' Shetland Challenge.
Finally, a bit of indulgence....100 grams of Dehaired Yak tops. Very, very soft.
Let's see if I can remember to chat about these!

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Spring in a flash

 A few warm days, and spring has surged into the garden. The Primroses have burst into exuberant bloom. The Daffodils have gone from a few inches high, to full height and full bloom. Some have already gone over.
 At the week-end, we noticed a huge increase in the number of people using the footpath. On Sunday evening, I was closing the front gate, when yet another walker came through. According to this lady, we have become a seasonal visit. Word goes around the village that the daffodils are out, and folk troop down to see them. Well, a compliment of sorts.
 The very last of the 'forced' bulbs . I cut them, and displayed them in the same manner as the white. The perfume of the blue ones seems even stronger than that of the white.
 Almost time for the pots of Tulips to go out on the terrace.

The Mystery Kal continues. I am part way through clue 4. Three more to come.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Specimen style.

I planted a lot of prepared bulbs last Autumn. The unseasonal warmth has meant that the flowers are coming along much more quickly than usual, and all at once. So I have had to cut the flowers, rather than bring the bowls of bulbs indoors. Unfortunately, they have grown so quickly, that the stems are too short to arrange them together. So, flower arranging specimen-style!
( They do smell delicious, though! )

Monday, 3 March 2014


Whilst trolling around the Interwebby thing, last night, I stumbled upon this whimsical little site.


Do go and have a little look.  I hope it makes you smile as I did. A cross between Jane Austen and Simon's Cat!

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Another day, another shawl.

No sooner had I completed one project, than another was on the needles. This is  ( surprise, surprise ) a Susanna Ic, but also a Mystery KAL. The yarn is a gorgeous Juno Fibre Arts 'Alice' Laceweight.  The first clue came out last Monday, but I was desperate to finish my  Treccia, so did that first.
The MKAL is now cast-on, and I am halfway along the first row. These are looooong rows. As this is a bottom-up shawl, I can look forward to them getting shorter!