The Treccia is continuing to grow. The right side wrap, or wing, is complete, and the stitches for the left hand side have been picked up. I managed to knit another one and a half sections of it last night. Once this part (the 'wing') is done, there is an I-cord edge to knit along the top edge, to neaten and 'finish' it. I have hopes of finishing the stole before the Spring Fling KnitALong starts.

I love Snowdrops ( Galanthus sps ). I'm afraid I am beginning to bore Best Beloved with my quest for different varieties. At a local garden centre, on Thursday, I saw some which were other than the common or garden G. nivalis. I then spent a good half hour looking at every pot... and I'm glad I did. In amongst the G.elwesii, were some snowdrops which clearly were a different variety. I ended up buying eight pots. Some were very nice G.elwesii. One pot had a G.plicatus among the other bulbs, another had a G. S.Arnott in the mix, and there was a pretty G. nivalis with a green point on its' outer petals. That is the sort of shopping I enjoy.
It is Nicky and Mellie's birthday today. A significant one. As well as the usual presents, I thought a posy of flowers open in my garden would be appropriate. I think Nick was pleased with them. Sadly, Mel will have to make do with a photo, being so far away.