Thursday, 3 March 2011

Waste not, want not

Best beloved was on leave last week. During that time, he finished the larder, which has been in progress for about three years. (Hurray!!) That meant that I had to empty the space, then decorate when he had finished ( I'm not complaining...I enjoy that part). The interesting bit was sorting through all the foodstuffs, before putting it back. Not too much throwing out, but I did come across a tub of dried fruit. The dried pears were very close to their use-by date. So, I gave them a short soak in hot water, before cooking them for a short while. Topped them with a crumble mixture, and some chopped almonds. The pudding cooked while we had our main course.
Our honey is being sold in a local Farm Shop. To make it stand out, I have had new labels made. At the same time, I started a blog about our beekeeping. It will mean that I won't mention the bees as much as I used to. If you are interested, you can find it by clicking on Baghaybees on the side bar.