It was surprising how many familiar faces there were. Jo, of British Yarn, and Yarngathering (Jowatso on Ravelry) was there, and I had a lovely chat with her. ( See Jo below, with her son). Lots of the Schoolhouse Press books on her stand. John Arbon, and Juliet, from Coldharbour Mill. The Injubalo button people. Fyberspates, Laughing Hens, (I always buy something from these last two),Garthenor, and West Yeo Farm.
And this lovely Angora bunny. It was on the Snowdon Angoras and Easter Bunnies stand. There was also a white one. They seemed very calm, and completely unconcerned by all the people cooing over them.
There were also sheep in pens. Each was an example of a particular breed - I loved the Shetlands.
At one of the Guild stands, Spinners, Weavers and Dyers, I saw some of the most fantastic felt. Not knitted, more of a very fine fabric. I think it was made of Alpaca fibre. The most gorgeous pale fawn. It was one of the last stands I visited, by which time I had run out of money. It would make the most wonderful tailored skirt, or maybe a short jacket. I shall have to go again next year, and start saving right away!
As we travelled up to Wales and back, we noticed that blackthorn bushes were flowering as never before. Blackthorn blossom usually heralds a hard frost, which often finishes it off. Not this year, though. This one in my garden (above) is flowering for only the second time in it's life.
When I got back, I had to turn around and do the Otter Group two day Event. (Cencus). The result for my patch was nil. A rather bleak end to a wonderful week end.